The APMP Body of Knowledge represents the collected wisdom of the world’s leading professionals in proposal, bid, and opportunity management and business development. The APMP BOK was written and reviewed by more than 80 industry experts using 70 research-based publications.

This APMP BOK is based on the following principles:

        • Provide free access to all APMP members
        • Create a universal language for our profession that is not vendor or industry specific
        • Represent best practices that reflect APMP’s worldwide multi-industry membership
        • Encourage member comments that advance dynamic content and continuous improvement

Organisation of the APMP BOK

Best practices are the core of each APMP BOK topic. The topics are grouped into seven categories, which represent key practice areas for improving an organisation’s business development focus:

        1. Understand business development
        2. Focus on the customer
        3. Create deliverables
        4. Lead a team
        5. Manage processes
        6. Train staff
        7. Use tools and systems

Each topic follows a parallel structure, and most topics contain the following sections:

        • Introduction. A summary of content at a high level, which explains its importance to the proposal or business development process.
        • Best Practices. Key points that business development professionals should know about a particular topic.
        • Application in Diverse Environments. Implications of a topic in small, medium, and large settings; worldwide geographies; and industry, commercial, and government settings worldwide.
        • Recent Trends. Emerging trends or challenges unique to this subject, including new approaches that streamline processes and improve competitiveness.
        • Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions. A key section for professionals looking to improve their skills, this section provides an outline of common traps to avoid
        • A quick overview of the most important information presented in a topic.
        • Terms to Know. Terms related to a topic that proposal developers should know.
        • Tools and Templates. Templates, charts, and examples that you can download and use for your own work.
        • See Also. Other sections within the APMP BOK that relate to a topic.
        • Research-based references used to compile this information.
        • Further Study. Additional sources readers can investigate for more information on a topic.

Please feel free to visit our International BOK Page at this link: APMP Body Of Knowledge